Sunday, February 17, 2013

Harlem Shakes its way from UGA to Good Morning America

If you haven't seen the Harlem Shake videos that have been shaking buzz on UGA's campus and all over social media, then you are really missing out. The UGA swim team was the first at UGA to create and epic Harlem Shake video that made national news. The swim team made their video underwater with all kinds of crazy outfits and random things. It's up to 16.6 million views and even was shown on Good Morning America and The Today Show.

UGA's Swim team video has inspired a wave of harlem shake videos over the last week. Everyone from the UGA football team to the Orlando Magic Basketball Team! Just one more way UGA athletics grabs the attention people across the world through social media.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Crazy New App

Have you heard about the new app that allows girls to "rate a guy" on their hook up abilities? Its called Lulu, and it works just like movie reviews but instead girls are rating and giving their opinions on hook-ups or dates with a guy.  Using Facebook, Lulu creates a profile of different guys that a girl knows and allows her to leave feedback and rate their performance. 

According to the makers of Lulu, "We see Lulu as a private network dedicated to women and relationships, providing an online extension and enhancement of the kind of information and support that women provide each other in real life.”

To me, this sounds like a great platform for girls to seek vengence and anonymously bash guys. I'm sure an upset, hurt, and heartbroken ex-girlfriend would love to destroy her ex's reputation and sabotage any future relationships he may have with another girl. But Lulu claims that it is not a "trash-talking" forum and they have a system in place to ensure that. 

I'm pretty sure if the shoe were on the other foot, and girls were being rated by guys, it would be totally unacceptable. Girls across the country would strongly voice their opposition to the app. 

Think about the damage that could be done to a guy's professional career? How would you like a potential employer to google you and stumble upon your scores and anonymous reviews of many of your previous female encounters that may or may not even be true?

So for all you guys out there, be careful not to get on the bad side of any girls any time soon!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Money Makers

I'm slightly ashamed to say that the actual football part of the Super Bowl is the least important part to me. This is in large part because I am much more of a college football fan and because I have no tie to either the San Francisco 49ers or the Baltimore Ravens. But the one thing everyone loves during the Super Bowl are commercials. This year's Super Bowl commercials went up an about $300,000 from 2012's game. CBS is charged $3.8 million to $4 million for a 30-second commercial during Sunday’s Ravens vs. 49ers game. Despite the millions spent, only severe commercials jumped out at me.
Here's a list of my top four favorite commercials:

4. Dodge Rams "To the farmer in all of us": What a great commercial for the American Farmers who are the backbones of this country. It gave a unique perspective of what farmers really are and left me with a feeling of true appreciation for all the current and past farmers of America (including my own father)

3. MONTANA STAIN: Tide did a great job with using the football theme with a clever and funny twist at the end

2. Taco Bell Live Mas: With each commercial, it was fun for our house to try and guess who the commercial was advertising for and no one guessed this once. It started with a bunch of elderly people gearing up for a "night out" and ending the crazy night with Taco Bell before returning to their nursing homes. Taco Bell has done a great job recently of target marketing to hispanics who are the quickest growing segment and this is another commercial that is targeted towards hispanics, singing the"We are young" song in Spanish. However, this  is also a mainstream commercial at the same time

1. Budweiser Baby Horse: Budweiser takes the the cake with yet another great horse commercial. Everyone in the house collectively said, "Awwww" when the man was reunited with his Clydesdale. Fleetwood Mac was the perfect touch