Sunday, February 17, 2013

Harlem Shakes its way from UGA to Good Morning America

If you haven't seen the Harlem Shake videos that have been shaking buzz on UGA's campus and all over social media, then you are really missing out. The UGA swim team was the first at UGA to create and epic Harlem Shake video that made national news. The swim team made their video underwater with all kinds of crazy outfits and random things. It's up to 16.6 million views and even was shown on Good Morning America and The Today Show.

UGA's Swim team video has inspired a wave of harlem shake videos over the last week. Everyone from the UGA football team to the Orlando Magic Basketball Team! Just one more way UGA athletics grabs the attention people across the world through social media.


  1. Another example of a movement starting on social channels and then becoming mainstream "news" because of momentum.

    UGA Swim & Dive is the best one I've seen so far. My neice swims at UVA and their video is lame comparatively speaking. Another example of DawgExcellence.

  2. For a video that does take some creativity and planning. I never would have expected this to become such a huge hit. There are thousands of versions online now and it seems the artist of the Harlem shake is going to make a small fortune from the new internet sensation.
